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Our dream is that everyone is hopeful and prepared when facing a life-changing diagnosis.

We all can learn how to advocate for ourselves by being fully informed along the illness journey. We'll show you how by offering simple, practical things to do right away.

Together we can transform the illness experience.

The Hamilton Spectators
The Toronto Star

As Featured In 


“I hope this book is read by healthcare professionals as well as the patients they serve. It is kind, clear, and system-changing: a clarion-call for a patient-led revolution in healthcare.”

Dr. Kathryn Mannix

"Shout it from the rooftops, the Waiting Room Revolution has begun! With Winemaker and Seow leading the charge, no patient or family member will face illness with their eyes wide shut ever again!"

Dr. Harvey Chochinov

Dr. Harvey Chochinov (1).png

Ranked Top 1.5% of podcasts globally

The Waiting Room Revolution Podcast

A podcast about unlocking the secrets to a better illness experience.

This podcast can help anyone dealing with serious illness. Over the years, we have cared for and interviewed thousands of patients and families who tell us they felt overwhelmed and ‘in the dark’ during their illness journey. Yet we sometimes heard stories where individuals felt prepared, in control and ‘in the know.’ Join your hosts Dr. Samantha Winemaker, palliative care doctor, and Dr. Hsien Seow, health care researcher, as they share real-life stories to explain the 7 keys to being hopeful and prepared when facing serious illness.

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