OPCN Events
The Seven Keys for Primary Care Providers
This webinar will introduce the 7 keys from the Waiting Room Revolution, a social movement designed to improve the patient, family, and provider experience when facing serious illness. It will provide simple and practical actions, tools, and resources to support primary care providers to balance hope and planning, early in an illness.
Please select the date which works best for you.
Please only register for one of the following dates:
Zooming Out for Primary Care
This webinar will focus on the key “Zoom Out,” which describes the natural history of a progressive life limiting illness. The webinar will provide health care providers language and tools to engage in big picture discussions with patients and families and enact early identification, a key goal of the OPCN’s adult community model of care.
Please select the date which works best for you.
Please only register for one of the following dates:

Get in Touch
Have questions about either of the events? You can email us here!